Important MCQs of Philosophy of Education

1. The democratic philosophy of education requires that the teacher:

(A) Take an oath by constitution of that country

(B) remains neutral in controversial issues

(C) Schools are servants of community

(D) None of the above

2. The issues facing in secondary education in India are:

(A) Common vs. Differentiated

(B) Vocational vs. General education 

(C) Limited free education vs. education for all

(D) All of the above

3. The word by which experimentalist state their portion ‘vis a vis’ educational issues is:

(A) Rigid

(B) Spontaneous

(C) Idealistic

(D) Flexible

4. Realism is support by:

(A) Johann Herbert

(B) Herbert Spencer

(C) John Locke

(D) All of the above

5. from the following who was historical idealistic realist:

(A) Home

(B) Thales

(C) Plato

(D) Aristotle

6. Realism means:

(A) Down to earth

(B) Protest against bookish knowledge

(C) Protest against Abstract knowledge

(D) All of the above

7.“Experience is the touch stone of what is real.” Is the crux of realism?

(A) False

(B) True

(C) No information

(D) Uncertain

8. Realism is basically of:

(A) Many types

(B) Five types

(C) Four types

(D) Two types

9. Humanistic, Social, Sense and Scholastic realism are types of Realism:

(A) False

(B) True

(C) Both A and B

(D) None of the above

10. Education should be vocational in character is advocated by:

(A) Idealism

(B) Pragmatism

(C) Realism

(D) Naturalism

11. Existentialism was founded by:

(A) Hegel

(B) Soran Kierkegaard

(C)  Jean Paul Sartre

(D) Both B and C

12. Existentialism is a:

(A) Iranian Philosophy

(B) Indian Philosophy

(C) British Philosophy

(D) French Philosophy

13. Existence proceeds essence is the main plank of:

(A) Materialism

(B) Neorealism

(C) Existentialism

(D) Marxism

14. Reality basically consists of only active experience:

(A) False

(B) True

(C) Uncertain

(D) None of these

15. Regarding values, the existentialists say:

(A) All values emerge from personal awareness

(B) There are absolute values

(C) Empirical spirit must remain. Values are subject to revision

(D) A and C are correct

16. Existentialism was founded as a result of:

(A) World war, 1

(B) World war, 2

(C) Indo- Pak war

(D) Indo-China war

17. Tick the correct features of existentialism, listed below:

(A) There is no such thing as priori scheme of moral values

(B) Every man is responsible for his activity

(C) Man has no priori nature

(D) All of these

18. The root cause of all struggle/agitation/trouble is:

(A) Economics

(B) Affection

(C) Industry

(D) Sentimentalism

19. Most educational pragmatist:

(A) Advocate indoctrination for democracy

(B) Are different to indoctrination

(C) Totally favour indoctrination

(D) Totally oppose indoctrination

20. Axiology is the study of:

(A) Nature of values

(B) Nature of reality

(C) Laws governing reasoning

(D) Nature of the universe

21. The pragmatism is basically an American philosophy. It was founded by:

(A) John Dewey

(B) Charles Peirce

(C) William James

(D) All of the above

22. The weakness of Pragmatic education is basically that it has:

(A) No importance of environment

(B) No fixed rule of teachers

(C) No fixed methods

(D) No fixed aims

23. Science has no place in:

(A) Idealistic education

(B) Existentialism

(C) Humanism

(D) Modern education

 24. The philosophy dominating in our schools today can be stated as:

(A) Realism

(B) Essentialism

(C) Pragmatism

(D) Supernaturalism

25. Rousseau’s romantic naturalism was opposed to the:

(A) Doctrine of education as unFoldment

(B) Idea of dield trips and experiments

(C) Doctrine of man’s innate depravity

(D) Idea that feelings are a part of nature

26. from the following, which is not the basic principle of naturalism:

(A) Nothing must be done for the pupil that he can do himself

(B) Teachers are but instrument for carrying out nature’s purposes

(C) Nothing should be learned on the authority of others

(D) The child is educated only by his own responses to stimulation

27. Homes and schools are:

(A) Contemporary

(B) Contradictory

(C) Complimentary

(D) None of the above

28. “Types of Philosophy” is a book written by:

(A) Dewey

(B) Frobel

(C) B. Russell

(D) J. Hawking’s

29. From “Dust to Dust is watch word of:

(A) Naturalism

(B) Realism

(C) Idealism

(D) Humanism

30. Who wrote “Emile”:

(A) Comenius

(B) Nislet

(C) Rousseau

(D) Pestalozzi


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